Thursday, December 17, 2020


I was afraid to try the Tramadol for my pain because of all the side effects. My pain had been subsiding but came back Tuesday, so I finally tried one Tramadol in the late afternoon. It made me drowsy but I couldn't sleep. I took another one at bedtime. It made me extremely drowsy, but I still couldn't sleep at all. I felt so horrible. It was an awful, awful feeling, even though technically it was just drowsiness. Not only that, but the Tramadol didn't entirely eliminate the pain. 

At 3am I called my cousin Joy in Florida in tears. Fortunately she was already up. Sitting up actually made me feel better, and I spent over an hour on the phone with Joy. I'm not sure I slept at all the rest of the morning, then I had to get up at 8am to let the plumbers in.

When I talked to my doctor later, she said I was too sensitive to the Tramadol. She also thinks that because my pain moves around, I might be having nerve pain from the chemo, not bone pain from the Neulasta. She prescribed gabapentin. I tried one pill last night along with some Advil and 1/4 of a CBD gummy. Together I was pain free and able to sleep till 3am. I had trouble going back to sleep though. Tonight I'll add melatonin.

Addendum: In addition to not eating much due to diarrhea, I was also suffering from heartburn due to chemo. After talking to Joy, I kept burping. I should have just stopped but was so uncomfortable. I ended up vomiting from all the burping. Fortunately I had a barf bag handy.

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