Monday, December 21, 2020

Tear Ducts

One side effect I was worried about was blocked tear ducts due to taxotere. My optometrist had told me before that my tear ducts were already blocked. But when I had a check-up last month, the other optometrist I saw did not mention the problem. 

So I visited an ophthalmologist today to see whether my tear ducts really are blocked. He did a test using a yellow dye and said my tear ducts are fine. What are blocked are the oil glands on my eyelids. I have to apply a warm compress to my eyes and also massage them twice a day. My eyes are also dry and was told to apply artificial tears 4x a day.

The doctor said what I need to watch out for is get excessive tearing. If it happens, that's when I need to return for a follow-up.

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