Monday, November 9, 2020

Signs of Stress

Lately I've been biting the inside of my mouth while I sleep. The backs of my hands also got very dry and scaly. I've since discovered it's eczema. Both the biting and eczema started right after my biopsy. I guess the painful procedure traumatized me a bit.

I went to the dentist to see what could be done about the biting. Because I wear a mouth guard, I haven't broken the skin in my mouth, but I'd like it to stop before I develop mouth sores. My dentist thinks maybe I open my mouth slightly before waking up and then bite down on the side of my mouth. She gave me mouth tape to keep my mouth shut while sleeping. Didn't know those things existed. Unfortunately they didn't help.

I decided to buy over-the-counter mouth guards for my upper teeth. I wore my regular mouth guard on my lower teeth. The combo seems to have helped.

The eczema is getting better. I'm using coconut oil and lavender essential oil on the backs of my hands. They don't feel as scaly as they used to.

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