Monday, November 9, 2020

It's My Turn

 I figured that since Ma didn't get breast cancer till she was 82, I wouldn't get cancer till I was in my 80s. I was wrong. Here I am, age 60, diagnosed with breast cancer. Unofficially it's Stage II.

10/10    Discovered large lump in left breast.
10/13    Appt. with doctor.
10/21    Diagnostic mammogram.
10/22    Ultrasound. Radiologist said it was "very concerning." I saw the image and knew it was cancer.
10/23    Biopsy. Very painful.
10/27    Partial biopsy report said invasive and in-situ ductal carcinoma, grade 2.
10/28    The rest of the biopsy report said ER+, PR-, HER2+, Ki-67 30%.
10/29    Flu shot. Started process of 2nd opinion at Stanford.
10/30    Consulted with surgeon. Mastectomy required. Got CBC, liver panel, EKG tests, pneumonia & shingles vaccines.
11/3      Met with oncologist. Will get chemo before surgery. TCHP chemo regimen suggested.
11/6      Dentist. Breast MRI.
11/9      Optometrist, genetics counseling.

I will get a second opinion from Stanford on Friday, 11/13. A Mediport will be placed in my chest on 11/20. Chemo will start soon after that.

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