Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Frozen Shoulder

Back in June I woke up in the middle of the night with a lot of pain in my left shoulder. The pain continued and two weeks later, I realized my shoulder was frozen. Due to a previous bad experience with physical therapy, I decided not to do anything about it. Besides, I had a frozen shoulder before, and it resolved itself in one year without therapy.

But this time, because having a mastectomy can also give me a frozen shoulder, my surgeon said I'm starting off at a disadvantage. So he referred me for physical therapy, and I had the first session today. I don't know what caused the pain in my shoulder, but the therapist says it's not a rotator cuff injury. She evaluated my shoulder, took some measurements, and gave me exercises to do at home. I will see her at least three more times in person, then we'll switch to video calls. I'm not sure how I'll manage to mix my future appointments with my chemo, not knowing how I'll feel from the side effects of the chemo.

Oh, one more thing. Because it's my left shoulder that's frozen, and my tumor is in my left breast, and I've been doing too much googling, I started to ask my surgeon if it's possible the cancer has metastasized to my shoulder. Before I could even finish asking my question, he said no. 😛

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