Thursday, November 19, 2020

Second Mammogram and Ultrasound

Stanford managed to squeeze me in for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound of my right breast. The radiologist said the tumor is ~1 cm with smooth edges. She thinks she can vaguely see it in my mammogram two years ago and that it's likely just another fibroadenoma. No biopsy is required at this time. She recommends another ultrasound in 6 months. I'm so relieved.

Addendum 11/20/2020

The radiologist at PAMF reviewed my MRI again and added this note to my test result. I think they thought the nodules at 1:00 and 10:00 were a single tumor.

A 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.3 cm nodule is noted at 1:00 right breast, 6 cm from the nipple, with T2 hyperintensity and imaging characteristics consistent with a fibroadenoma.  This was initially thought to represent the biopsy-proven fibroadenoma. However, on further review of older mammograms, specifically 12/31/2014, 2 masses are noted in the upper right breast on MLO view.  The more anterior mass is at 10:00 and represents fibroadenoma, biopsy proven on  2/11/2015 and with subsequent ability artifact from the biopsy clip on magnetic resonance imaging.  The more posterior nodule is at 1:00 and represents the enhancing nodule seen on breast magnetic resonance imaging, stable in size since 2014.  The mammographic stability and the MR imaging appearance are consistent with fibroadenoma.  If pathology confirmation is necessary, then ultrasound-guided biopsy of this nodule can be performed.

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