Monday, November 16, 2020

Gene and Covid Tests

I had my blood drawn today for the BRCA gene testing. The result will take about two weeks. As I mentioned before, Ma was triple negative, which is common in those with the BRCA mutation. Because I'm not triple negative myself, I doubt that I'll be positive for the BRCA gene, but it will definitely influence whether I should get a double mastectomy.

My port placement surgery is scheduled for Thursday, and the hospital requires a covid test three days prior. I was apprehensive about the test, thinking it might be painful. The nurse was reassuring, and the procedure was quick though unpleasant. I'm glad I survived it. 😝

Today I let Stanford know that I want them to handle my care. However, the earliest date I could get for a mammogram and ultrasound of my right breast is Dec. 4. This will further delay my chemo. The nurse coordinator will try to expedite the tests, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'm still undecided about whether to join the study. Chemo is so toxic that the fewer drugs, the better. But using fewer drugs and doing only 4 rounds instead of 6 runs the risk that the cancer cells won't be completely eliminated from my body.

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