Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Annoyed with PAMF

I'm being treated at PAMF (Palo Alto Medical Foundation), part of Sutter Health. Yesterday the oncologist's nurse called to set me up with an appointment to learn about my chemo treatment. But she also set my first chemo infusion for this Friday, Nov. 13, without checking with me. There are at least three problems here:

  1. My appointment with Stanford for a second opinion is the same day.
  2. I don't have the Mediport installed in my chest yet, and this is important because I blew a vein. You don't want the potential for another blown vein when receiving toxic chemo.
  3. They require an echocardiogram before starting chemo, and my appointment for the echocardiogram is also this Friday.
My onocologist told his staff that he wants me to get started on chemo ASAP. So today they canceled my appointment for the Mediport on Nov. 20, my appointment with the surgeon to discuss the Mediport procedure, and the my covid test required before the surgical procedure. I had to talk to a nurse in a another department to have a different surgeon install the Mediport. But because I didn't want to do the procedure till after I talk to Stanford and then do a follow-up with my oncologist on Nov. 17, the first appointment I could get with the surgeon is Nov. 19, just one day earlier than my original surgery date. They put me through all this hassle to get the procedure done just one day earlier.

I called the nurse navigator to see if I can get my original surgery date back. I also need to clarify if I'm getting general anesthesia or conscious sedation. It doesn't make sense that I'll get general anesthesia for a minor procedure. If I can't get the original surgeon back, I want to at least meet the new surgeon before the procedure.

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