Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Slowing Down

Not much happened yesterday. Ma had nausea in the morning, but Zofran and a nap took care of it. She managed to walk just once around the unit. In the afternoon she had more pain and took a long nap.

No surgeon stopped by to check on her. But the fluids draining out of her chest are definitely diminishing. After her first surgery, the fluids coming out of one chest tube slowed down, but the other just kept going and going. This time it looks like both chest tubes are slowing down.

The pulmonologist stopped by. He didn't really have much to say. I thought we'd be seeing a liver specialist while in the hospital, but it looks like that can wait till Ma is discharged.

In the meantime, a hospital bed for Ma has been delivered to the house. We just need to find some extra long bed sheets for it. Isa's cat has been checking out the bed and has approved it.

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