Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Body Pain

Chemo #2 Day 8

I didn't see Ma again today. But according to her,
  • Her whole body was very painful. Tito Lum couldn't find her Darvocet, and they had to call Pa to come home and find it. The bottle is now well-marked.
  • Pa relented and got her lidocaine gel for her mouth. I don't know if this is over-the-counter. The kind I wanted him to get is prescription-strength liquid xylocaine that you can mix equal parts with Maalox or Mylanta and swish around your mouth.
  • She no longer gets nausea.
  • Her appetite still isn't good, but she can manage small amounts of food.
I have to remember not to say "OK" to Ma on the phone. She equates "OK" with "goodbye" and hangs up on me every time, usually before I'm done talking to her. Pa and Tito Lum do the same thing. I don't get it.

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