Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One Month Anniversary

Ma was first admitted to the hospital on June 1st. Today is her one month anniversary. It's not a happy milestone, but the end is in sight. One of her chest tubes was taken out today. Good thing, too, because I had accidentally knocked over the canister that the tube drains into. Oops! The nurses reassured me they had all done the same thing at one time or another.

I had misgivings about the PA (physician's assistant) removing the tube instead of the surgeon, but she did it quickly and painlessly. I had asked her to give Ma morphine before the procedure, and she agreed to it. With just one tube left in her, Ma's pain should lessen.

With the other tube gone, the remaining tube has started draining more than usual. It's nothing compared to last week though. If the second tube is removed tomorrow, Ma could be discharged by Thursday. But don't listen to me. I had also predicted that Ma would be home before Kit arrived.

Ma's friend and hairdresser Auring and her husband visited two days in a row. Yesterday they brought lots of fresh fruits -- plums and apricots from their trees and two mangoes. Today they brought more plums plus some food they promised Ma - sinigang bangus, rice and eggplant. I told Auring I prefer my bangus fried, and she cooked that, too. :) Tonight Ma asked Pa to get her some fried quail from the Thai restaurant. All this food is interfering with my weight loss plans. And the nurses are probably wondering why Ma's blood sugar is so high.

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