Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home on the 4th of July

Ma went home yesterday. Her catheter had to be drained twice. Although I believe she produces 2L of fluid a day, only 650 ml came out the first time she was drained and 500 ml the second time. Draining is a painful process for her despite the Darvocet. The pain is supposed to subside in a few days.

Kuya Richard and Ryan stopped by with pancit malabon. Ma couldn't resist eating some right away. She really should eat more protein though. Ensure & Boost & Glucerna drinks give her diarrhea. I got her some Glucerna bars, and those she can tolerate.

Some stats:

33 days in the hospital
2 hospital admissions
8 hospital rooms occupied
3 pleurodeses (none of them worked)
2 surgeries
7 chest incisions
11 days in ICU
5 days on ventilator
1 bed sore
12 lbs. lost

This will be my last post for a while. Thanks for reading.

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