Monday, June 23, 2008

Tita Belen Visits

Ma was transferred out of the ICU around noon yesterday. She still has her chest tubes and catheter. They're supposed to be removed today. She walked twice yesterday, about 100 feet each time, and was out of breath at the end. But her doctor said she may be able to go home this afternoon.

Ate Vicky finally told Tita Belen about Ma, and they came for a visit along with Tito Pepe, Dennis & Ate Beth. Tita Belen had been crying but was okay during the visit. At least Ma is looking much better compared to last week. They brought pad thai, watermelon, a pot of cyclamen, and a get well balloon. After the visit, Ma ate some of the pad thai. It was good. I had to do a taste test to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. :) Ma's blood sugar was 347. I hope it gets under control once she's home and is more mobile.

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