Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chemo #1 Day 16 - Hallucinations

Ma had pain in her lung last night and was given Dilaudid. Her lung hurt because it was draining more fluid, close to two liters as of this morning. But the Dilaudid made her nauseated, so she's being given Zofran every 4 hours. She still had nausea though and barely ate all day.

Fr. Rene drove up from LA last night and showed up this morning with Tito Lum. He anointed Ma and said some prayers. I'm sure that made Ma feel a lot better.

An occupational therapist stopped by and made Ma sit up in a chair. She sat for an hour. Yay!

The nurses love Isa when she stops by because she brings freshly-baked goods. Today it was oatmeal raisin cookies with walnuts. The other day it was coffee cake.

Ma had lots of hallucinations today, among them:
  • There are lots of paper on the wall, and a bunch of them have fallen on the floor. She kept asking me to pick them up.
  • She wanted me to give an invisible envelope to Fr. Rene. I pretended to take it from her hand and gave it to Fr. I didn't ask if there was invisible cash in the invisible envelope.
  • Pa threw a large party outside her room (although she doesn't realize she's in the hospital), but there were too many guests, and we ran out of food.
  • We're on a cruise ship or a bus or something, and Ma wants to know why some passengers are getting off at the current stop instead of wherever it is that we're headed.
  • She stared fascinatedly at the ceiling. When I asked her what she was looking at, she said there were black spots on the ceiling.
I do hope these hallucinations are normal and will go away eventually. They do make for some interesting conversations.

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