The surgeon, Dr. Khan, was running late. Ma wasn't wheeled into surgery till around 17:20. By 18:20, she was done. The surgeon said it took him only 5 minutes to do the procedure instead of the 30 minutes he estimated. I assume he did a VATS or he wouldn't have been done so quickly.
Ma was in the recovery room for a long time before being transferred to the ICU. We didn't see her till almost 21:00. She has two new chest tubes coming out of her; the old one was removed. The good news is she's not on a ventilator! She was alert and talking when we saw her. She also didn't have any nausea from the anesthesia.
Originally the surgeon prescribed morphine for the pain. But we pointed out that Ma gets nausea from morphine and asked if she can have Fentanyl instead. The nurse got approval for up to 50 mcg. But it will be given to her as needed. She's not on a continuous drip. I'm worried that they won't be able to control her pain as well if they have to wait for Ma to complain about pain before giving her more Fentanyl. But at least she can communicate since she's not on a ventilator. I told her to make sure to tell her nurse as soon as she feels any pain.
Pa didn't stay overnight today. We didn't bother asking if he could. And Ma didn't complain about Pa going home. Maybe she really is getting better.
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