Sunday, May 9, 2021


I saw my oncologist, Dr. Caswell-Jin, on Friday. She had presented my case to the tumor board. They agreed that even though there are still 1% cancer cells in my breast tissue, I otherwise had good response to the chemo and don't need additional cycles. Instead she switched me from Herceptin and Perjeta to T-DM1.

T-DM1 (brand name Kadcyla) is a combination of Herceptin (trastuzumab) and a chemo drug. Side effects should be milder than from regular chemo. I will receive T-DM1 every three weeks for 14 cycles. My last infusion will be on February 4, two month longer than if I had stayed on Herceptin and Perjeta.

I had my first infusion Friday and was given 16 mg of Zofran for nausea. A woman in my support group got bad neuropathy from T-DM1. So I brought ice packs with me to use on my hands and feet to ward off neuropathy. I've experienced no other side effects so far.

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