Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Shoulder Therapy

I had a physical therapy session this morning for my shoulder. It had been three weeks since my previous session. I was on the waiting list the last two weeks but never got called. Apparently the staff is extremely busy and doesn't have time to call people on the waiting list when there's a cancellation. 

Raising my arm forward is much better although not quite at pre-surgery level. But when raising my arm sideways, I can't go past shoulder level. The therapist Laurie says the cording in my underarm is gone (AWS or axillary web syndrome complication due to surgery). But the limited sideways movement is due to my frozen shoulder. Even before surgery I could not raise my arm sideways above shoulder level.

Laurie massaged and did some intense stretching of my shoulder. Ow ow ow. She sent me home with five exercises to do, some of which I had done before for my shoulder before surgery. I have confirmed appointments the next three weeks. No waiting list this time.

In the afternoon I went to CVS to get my second shingles shot. The first one was back in November. I held off on getting the second dose while I was on chemo. The shot was quite painful. I iced my arm when I got home and also took ibuprofen. I hope I don't experience other side effects tomorrow.

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