Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Two Days Off

Yesterday I mentioned to one of the radiation therapists that the area under my arm has started hurting. She said the skin looks fine but asked if I wanted to see a nurse after my treatment. I said yes. 

I waited a while for the nurse and was surprised that it was Dr. Horst who came. She reassured me that my skin looks good but offered to let me take the next two days off from treatment. I accepted. It doesn't hurt that much, but I'm afraid the pain will get worse or I could end up with open sores. The area under my arm is also starting to look burnt. I can't sleep on my left side because then my breast starts hurting. I'm relieved to get a two-day break.

I got clarification about the darkening of the skin on my back. I thought radiation was going through my heart and lungs to reach my back, but I noticed later that it's only the upper part of my back above where my heart is that's getting dark. Dr. Horst said the lymph nodes above my breast are being radiated, and because I have a smaller body, the beam is going all the way to my back. It doesn't go through my heart and lungs.

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