Friday, July 2, 2021

Too Many Appointments

I've been having this many appointments every week:

5 daily radiation treatments
1 radiation oncologist visit
1 physical therapy
2 acupuncture treatments

That's 9 total. On my way to PT yesterday, I was thinking I'm tired of all these appointments. My physical therapist must have read my mind because she suggested coming every 2-3 weeks instead of every week. I readily agreed. She said what I need is time for my shoulder to get better. My next appointment is three weeks away.

I'm not convinced that acupuncture is helping that much, so I cancelled today's appointment and don't plan on returning.

I get Monday off for the 4th of July weekend. That leaves me 5 radiation appointments next week -- 4 treatments plus 1 doctor visit. But Friday is my next infusion. Three appointments for it -- blood draw, visit with oncology nurse, and infusion. I also get radiation in between, so that's 4 appointments on Friday and 8 total for the week.

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