Saturday, July 3, 2021

Six Weeks Radiation

Yesterday I was reviewing my radiation appointments. My last appointment is on July 27. That makes 6 weeks total. I thought I was having only 5 weeks of treatment, so I sent a message to my doctor's team asking for clarification. Looks like I misunderstood. I get 5 weeks of treatment to the left breast and axilla area. Then I get another week of treatment to the lumpectomy area only. So it's 6 weeks total. 🙁

Here's the doctor's note from an earlier visit:

With respect to radiation, we recommend treating L breast and axilla to a total dose of 50 Gy in 25 fractions over the course of 5 weeks using a 3D conformal radiotherapy technique. A boost of 10 Gy in 5 fractions to the lumpectomy bed will follow due to residual disease after chemotherapy, patient age, and perineural involvement pathologically.  

I thought the boost would be on the fifth week. The good news is I was able to get more of the mometasone steroid cream and can go back to applying it twice a day. My doctor doesn't expect me to get any significant skin changes other than darkened skin, but I feel better using the cream in addition to frequent moisturizing. I don't want radiation burns.

Yesterday's session was #14 out of 30.

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