Thursday, July 8, 2021

Radiation Affecting My Back

Saw my radiation oncologist today before my treatment. I mentioned to her that my back was turning dark. I wanted reassurance that it's normal. I've been moisturizing not just my front but also my back because I had heard that radiation affects the back also. Scary to think that radiation goes through my chest, then my heart and my lungs to burn the other side.

My sister Kit asked why they don't use a lead apron to protect the rest of my body from radiation. At my dentist they always use a lead apron before doing x-rays. It's because the radiation treatment is more targeted compared to the x-rays done at the dentist. It's actually recommended now not to use a lead apron because it might cause more harm.

Kit also said that topical steroids like the ones I'm using can cause thinning of the skin. I didn't know that. Mometasone furoate and triamcinolone are both class III potent steroids. This article said not to use it for more than three months. I plan to use it for two months (6 weeks radiation plus 2 weeks post-treatment for delayed reactions) and should be good.

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