I'm into the sixth week of my radiation therapy. The final week is a radiation boost targeting the area where my tumor used to be. First they do imaging (one x-ray), then they aim the machine at my breast from two different directions for about 10 seconds each. Just like before, I have to take a deep breath and hold it for those 10 seconds.
This is what my skin looks like under my arm area.
I have grade 2 radiation dermatitis. That's a fancy term for radiation burn. Grading descriptions:
Grade 1 – Faint erythema or desquamation.
Grade 2 – Moderate to brisk erythema or patchy, moist desquamation confined to skin folds and creases. Moderate swelling.
Grade 3 – Confluent, moist desquamation greater than 1.5 cm diameter, which is not confined to the skin folds. Pitting edema (severe swelling).
Grade 4 – Skin necrosis or ulceration of full-thickness dermis (middle layer of skin).
The photo doesn't show the reddest areas. My chest was very red but is starting to fade now. The bottom part of my breast is very dark (hyperpigmentation). I could be back to grade 1 now. My skin is still peeling and itches occasionally but there is very little soreness. I couldn't sleep on my left side because it was painful. I haven't checked lately if it still hurts.
Today was treatment #29 out of 30. One more day left.