Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Radiation Oncology Appointment

Had a video call today with my radiation oncologist, Dr. Salem, and her staff. Because I had a positive lymph node when first diagnosed, I will receive five weeks of daily radiation. If my shoulder is doing well, I could start radiation in two weeks.

I don't know if my shoulder is frozen again. The incision under my arm hurts when I raise my arm. I'm getting a referral for physical therapy just in case. If I can't raise my arm, radiation will have to be delayed.

A major concern for me is radiation burns. I was told that with my skin color, my skin may just turn dark and not burn. I don't remember Ma getting burns from radiation, and her skin was lighter than mine.

But to make sure, I will apply unscented moisturizer 3x a day as recommended. In this article, the ones used most often are Aquaphor, Eucerin and Mometasone. I have a jar of Aquaphor but don't like it. It feels like petroleum jelly. I'll try Eucerin. Mometasone is a steroid cream. Some studies show it works better than moisturizers. I've asked if I can have a prescription. A few women in my support group recommended Miaderm, but it's too expensive and may not work any better than other moisturizers.

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