Monday, April 26, 2021

Surgical Follow-Up

Saw my surgeon this morning. The surgical resident who assisted her was also there. My incisions are healing well. But there was fluid in my breast that had to be aspirated. I asked, "Aspirated? Does that mean needle?" She replied, "Don't look."

I didn't feel the needle go in because part of my breast is numb. Don't know if the numbness is temporary. There was a tiny bit of pain as the fluid was drawn out. After the fluid was drained, the lower half of my breast collapsed like a balloon. That's going to be the permanent shape of my breast. But I think my breast has filled with fluid again already because it's back to its post-surgical shape. My body will eventually absorb the fluid, then I'll have a partially collapsed breast again because so much breast tissue had to be removed.

One thing I learned at my appointment is that even though cancer cells were found in the excised breast tissue, it's in only 1% of the area. Because it's almost zero, it's possible my oncologist will not change my drug treatment. I have an appointment with her on May 7.

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