Thursday, April 22, 2021

Pathology Result

They found residual cancer cells in my lumpectomy tissue. 😕 I'm disappointed. I was hoping for pCR (pathologic complete response, meaning no cancer cells left) even though I knew the odds were low. At least all six lymph nodes were negative for cancer. 

If I understood the report correctly, I don't need additional surgery. I have a follow-up appointment with my surgeon on Monday. I see my radiologist on Wednesday. She will probably recommend five weeks of radiation. 

I see my oncologist on May 7. She will probably discontinue Herceptin and Perjeta and will put me on T-DM1 (Kadcyla) which is a combination of Herceptin and a chemo drug called emtansine. I hope the side effects are not as bad as regular chemo. One woman in my support group was getting very bad peripheral neuropathy from T-DM1 and had to switch back to Herceptin and Perjeta.

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