Sunday, March 21, 2021

Radiologist + Vaccine

Had a video call Wednesday with a radiologist, Dr. Salem. Most of the time was spent with the resident radiologist, Dr. Wang. The recommendation will likely be 3-5 weeks of daily radiation depending on the pathology after surgery. I will have another appointment two weeks after surgery.

I became eligible for the covid vaccine on Monday. Because of the vaccine shortage, I could not find appointments Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday I tried looking in San Francisco and managed to get an appointment today at Moscone.

My friend Dhez joined me on the drive to SF. I didn't mind the company because driving in SF, especially downtown, stresses me out. Parking in the garage was also stressful because the parking spaces were so narrow. I drove past several available spaces till I could find one that was a bit roomier next to a partial wall.

There were hundreds of people at Moscone, but they were pretty good about keeping their distance, and the process went smoothly. The vaccine was from Pfizer. I had to sit down for 15 minutes after my shot in case of adverse reactions. From the time I entered till the time I left the building was 35 minutes.

Dhez and I ordered lunch to go and ate it at a nearby park. It was a nice and sunny day. There were lots of people out and about in SF. Too many, in fact, considering there's a pandemic. Most folks wore masks, but not all.

My arm is sore. My second shot is due in three weeks, on April 11.

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