Monday, March 15, 2021

Muscle Pain

The fatigue caused by my chemo is pretty much gone. I can walk up the stairs without trouble. But I noticed pain in my thighs and also in my arms. It was puzzling since I haven't been working out. I finally looked it up. Muscle pain can be a side effect of Perjeta. Either that or I have covid.

The pain is not too bad. It hurts only when I move. I try not to move.

I saw the surgeon again last Monday. She's recommending a lumpectomy. She will also have to do a sentinel lymph node biopsy. That means I will have two incisions. 

If I don't have clear margins, meaning if pathology finds cancer cells around the rim of the tissue that's removed during surgery, I will need a second surgery, and it might have to be a mastectomy. I don't want a second surgery. I don't even want a first surgery.

I managed to get an appointment at UCSF on March 24 for a second opinion. The doctor I wanted to see is not available till late April, so I settled for another doctor who trained under her.

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