Friday, March 5, 2021

Infusion Without Chemo

Monday I got Herceptin and Perjeta. It was the first time I got the two targeted therapy drugs by themselves without a chemo drug, so I'm just now learning what side effects they'll give me without chemo. Looks like Perjeta gives me diarrhea. I'm not looking forward to getting diarrhea every three weeks till December.

My potassium was still low on Monday, so my oncologist told me to take 40 mg of potassium pills twice a day until today when I got tested again. It's now back to normal. However, she said to take a dose every time diarrhea starts.

My WBC is also back to normal. I'll feel safer going to the farmers' market and Trader Joe's. I've been avoiding both places and all other stores.

I had been taking Prilosec for heartburn. The 14-day course ended on Monday. On Wednesday the heartburn came back. Doc said to keep taking Prilosec daily for three months. That's how long it typically takes the body to recover from the damage done to the stomach by chemo.

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