Friday, January 8, 2021

New Side Effects

Overall the side effects from the last chemo haven't been as bad as the previous one, but I do have a couple of new side effects:

  1. Taste buds -- Food tastes a little off. Not metallic but maybe slightly bitter. Even water tastes funny.
  2. Appetite -- I know I'm not eating enough, especially protein, but it could be related to the taste change. The lack of protein could be why I dreamed twice about eating meat (and it was so good!).
  3. Irritated eyes -- All day yesterday I had intermittent irritated eyes. It might be due to the chemo drug Taxotere leaking into my eyeballs. My ophthalmologist warned me about this. If it continues, I will make an appointment to see him again.
The side effects that showed up after my first chemo are ongoing:
  1. Dry skin -- Not just on my face but throughout my body.
  2. Dry mouth -- I use Biotene.
  3. Diarrhea -- Not as bad.
  4. Constipation -- Not as bad because I didn't take as much Zofran.
  5. Heartburn -- Unpleasant but it hasn't caused vomiting.
  6. Nerve pain -- Not as bad but I'm also taking two gabapentin capsules instead of just one.
  7. Raw nostrils -- It got better for a couple of weeks but is back again.
  8. Hair loss -- I think my eyelashes are starting to go.
  9. Runny nose -- I've used up a few boxes of tissues.

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