Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Chemo #4

My chemo yesterday was for Taxol only. Herceptin and Perjeta will continue every 3 weeks. 

My WBC last week was 9.7. Yesterday it was 6.3. I hope it doesn't go lower or I'd have to get a Neulasta shot again.

Because my chemo is now weekly, I fast for a shorter period. Instead of 4 days, I limit it to 2.5 days. On the day before chemo, I did consume something -- vegetable juice and some nuts. On chemo day, I did a water-only fast and continued for 24 hours after chemo infusion ended. Yesterday my infusion ended at 1pm, so I didn't eat anything till after 1pm today. I did get hungry yesterday but didn't eat. I didn't want to risk getting side effects by breaking my fast too early.

I do have a new side effect that started last week. My mouth is producing excessive saliva. It's not too bad but is an unusual side effect. I don't see it listed as a Taxol side effect at all. At least it's better than having a dry mouth.

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