Thursday, January 14, 2021

Improved Shoulder

I've had several physical therapy sessions, and my shoulder is much improved. I can raise my arm forward almost overhead. Sideways motion is not as good but is improving.

The therapist manipulates my shoulder at these sessions. Today there was a lot of cracking noises. She said that was good. I was afraid she was breaking something. 

At the last two sessions, she also did cupping. I don't know if it helps, but it doesn't hurt except that I'm left with weird round bruises on my back from the cups.

My next chemo is tomorrow. I don't want to go. But I started fasting again yesterday.


Unknown said...

Hi Lou, it’s Maria. Thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts! Any restrictions on food? Was thinking of dropping off a little bag of goodies at your doorstep, any requests just ping me. I will check in with you before I drop off anything.

Lou said...

Thank you, Maria, but I have plenty of food, including the ones you dropped off before. I promise I'll let you know if I need more.