Sunday, June 6, 2021

T-DM1 Session #2

I saw an oncologist appointment two Fridays ago followed by my second T-DM1 infusion. The only remarkable thing about the infusion is that when I arrived for my appointment, I was told it was in Redwood City, not Palo Alto. All my previous infusions had been in Palo Alto. I didn't even know they had an infusion center in Redwood City. Anyway, I was an hour late for my appointment.

I told my doctor I got intermittent but very brief nerve pain in my right hand and right foot after my first infusion. The day after my second infusion, I suddenly had intense pain in my right middle finger. It felt like an electric shock. Several seconds later it felt like I got stabbed with a large needle in the same finger. It happened a second time and made me flinch. I've had several other episodes that were a lot less painful, most of them lasting only a second or two.

I've been applying cold packs to my hands and feet during my infusions to help prevent peripheral neuropathy from T-DM1. Looks like I have to be make sure all my fingers and toes get very cold.

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