Friday, September 26, 2008

Big Fish

I spent the whole day yesterday working on the invitations and mailed them out today. If you don't get one soon, you're not invited. :)

(Kuya Jess, I didn't send you one. But let me know if you want to come).

Now I have to work on the catering. I showed Ma the menu choices, and she helped pick out the dishes. She asked about dinuguan, but it's not listed as a choice.

I want some origami fish to decorate the hall and thought it would be a good idea to have Ma make them. I don't know if she's bored now that she's no longer working. Doing some origami gives her something to do. She can follow along if you do the origami with her, but reading the directions and illustrations makes her very confused. I don't think it's chemo-related though. Even Pa couldn't follow the directions. And it's supposed to be a simple fish! Maybe I should do the more complicated seahorses myself.

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