Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Echocardiogram and Doctor's Visit

Last Friday I had to get another echocardiogram because my treatment can cause permanent heart damage. The tech would make me hold my breath occasionally, and sometimes she'd forget to tell me when I could breathe again. When the test was over, she told me I could hold my breath like a 22-year-old. 😛

I saw my oncologist afterward and complained of fatigue, loss of appetite, and heartburn. I thought she would prescribe something to stimulate my appetite, but she thinks the loss of appetite is due to the heartburn. I would get full after just a few bites, and it was also due to heartburn (bloating?). She told me to take Pepcid twice a day, and if that's not enough, take one in the morning and two in the evening. 

The fatigue is a side effect of chemo and is cumulative, meaning it will get worse with subsequent chemo rounds. Anemia is also making me weak.

I'm down to 96 lbs. I was 114 lbs. before I discovered my tumor.

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