Monday, June 8, 2009

Safety Recommendations

The physical therapist made several recommendations. Among them:
  • Add a second rail to the staircase.
  • Remove the shower doors and replace them with a curtain.
  • Get a bed rail for the bed.
I found a hand rail at Home Depot but have no idea how to install it. Use L brackets maybe?

I think the shower doors can be removed easily enough. The reason the therapist wants it removed is so that there will be a wider opening when entering the shower stall.

The bed rail makes it easier for the patient to get out of bed. I'll order one from Amazon. There are versions that can be installed without tools.

All these suggestions should have been done when Ma was sick, but she never got physical therapy, and no one ever checked the house for safety. When she goes upstairs, she goes up one step at a time and uses a cane. She said she doesn't have trouble getting out of bed and apparently can take a shower standing up. I did get her a shower chair, but she's used it only once. The shower stall actually has two seats, but they're full of shampoo bottles and shower gels.

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