Saturday, June 13, 2009


The handyman is here and just installed a second handrail along the stairs. Ma has already tried it. I also had Pa go up and down the stairs. He said it's much easier having two handrails.

We finally got an aide to come out and help Pa take a shower. We already had a shower chair from when Ma was sick, and the showerhead is attached to a hose, so that made things easier. Isa & I will try helping Pa take a shower this afternoon.

It looked like a combination of Trazadone and Benadryl helped Pa stay asleep, but it stopped working after just a couple of days. Last night we tried Trazadone and Ativan, and that seems to have worked.

We saw Pa's cardiologist on Thursday. He was very nice and very helpful. He didn't like Pa's EKG results and had cut Pa's heart medicine in half. He wants to do another EKG on Monday to see if cutting the medication makes a difference.

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