Monday, February 2, 2009

Pleural Effusion Drying Up

Ma's pleural effusion is finally drying up. The oncologists had hoped that the radiation would have this effect on her lung, and it seems to have worked. When Ma first went home from the hospital back in July, her lung would produce 800-1000 ml of fluid every day. More recently, it was down to 300-500 ml per day. Last Wednesday, Pa drained only 30 ml out of her lung. That was two days' worth of accumulation. Last Saturday, he got only a few drops, probably not even a teaspoon. Pa said he will talk to the pulmonologist. Maybe they'll be able to remove Ma's catheter. I'm sure she'll feel a lot better without that tube sticking out of her lung.

Ma has a follow-up visit with her oncologist on Wednesday afternoon. Pa's appointment with his cardiologist is in the morning. We'll see what's in store for both of them.

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