Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chest Tube Still There

We saw Dr. Khan today about having Ma's chest tube removed. Unfortunately, he wanted Pa to try to drain her lung one more time before removing the tube. He sent us home, and we'll return in a week. Pa drained Ma's lung this afternoon, and no fluid came out, so it looks like next Wednesday will be the day the tube comes out.

In the meantime, Pa also spoke to Dr. Khan about needing a bypass. Either Dr. Khan or his partner Dr. Stanten (both of whom had operated on Ma) will do the surgery, if needed. Anyway, Dr. Khan feels that 95% blockage on a main artery is too high. He wants to see Pa after his next stress test. The stress test is on 4/3, and Pa's appointment with Dr. Khan is on 4/15.

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