Friday, October 3, 2008

Infected Wound

Ma's lumpectomy site is infected. Dr. Cogen said it's unusual for a surgical site to get infected so many months after the surgery. She's having tests done to see what's causing the infection. I hope it's not MRSA. In the meantime, Pa has already started Ma on antibiotics.

Dr. Cogen had to clean up Ma's wound. She injected the site with painkillers and sliced it open. Lots of fluid drained out. There's a cavity inside Ma's breast where the lumpectomy was done. Dr. Cogen dug her fingers in there and cleaned it out. It was gross, and I watched the whole thing.

She's treating it as an open wound and proceeded to pack the wound. I've heard of the terms before but never knew what they meant. Now I know. The incision wasn't stitched up, and you can stick your fingers into the cavity in the breast. That's an open wound. Packing the wound means you literally stuff wet gauze into the cavity. Ewww! It didn't hurt though. The gauze is there to absorb fluids. The idea is that the wound will heal from the inside out with the skin being the last to heal. I'm not sure if Ma will even need stitches. Pa will have to repack the wound twice a day. Ma has a follow-up on Tuesday.

It could take several weeks for the wound to heal. In the meantime, she can't start her radiation. Apparently, radiation will keep her wound from healing. I hope her diabetes doesn't complicate matters.

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