Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Painful Mouth Sores

Chemo #3 Day 7

Ma's mouth sores are really bothering her. The lidocaine provides a little relief but not enough. She asked for soup tonight because she has difficulty chewing. The cocktail prescribed for her (Nystatin, lidocaine, Benadryl & Maalox) is not a miracle drug and doesn't make the sores heal.

A quick internet search said to try something called CankerMelts. It's a disc made from licorice extract that you put directly on the sore. I bought some tonight along with L-Lysine tablets. Ma wants to wait till tomorrow to try them.

At least she didn't get much pain in her leg today. Her ankle hurt for a while, but it went away on its own. No Darvocet required.

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