Monday, August 18, 2008

Low Hemoglobin

Chemo #3 Day 13

Ma was dehydrated when she was admitted on Saturday so her blood test showed an inaccurate number. Once she was rehydrated, her hemoglobin count turned out to be low. She's receiving two units of blood. She may be discharged tomorrow if she feels better. Before she got the blood, she was complaining about feeling very weak. Sitting up made her feel bad. A couple of hours after she started getting blood, she felt much better.

The nurse gave Ma Megace this afternoon to stimulate her appetite. It seems to have helped. She ate very little at lunch but ate quite a bit more at dinner. She said the food also tasted better.

Her white blood cell count is down to 19, much better than the 33 on Saturday. Normal is closer to 10. Ma's oncologist said the high number is likely due to the Neulasta.

I hope the nurse doesn't forget to give her Lomotil. She needs it again.

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