Saturday, March 26, 2022

Lingering Side Effects

 It's been almost six weeks since my last Kadcyla infusion, but I still have some lingering side effects.

  • Runny nose. My nose has always been runny, but it got worse with chemo and Kadcyla. It has eased up now but is still worse than normal. Occasionally I get a little bleeding.
  • Split nails. My nails have gotten brittle and split quite often. I think I even lost the nail in my little toe but didn't notice till it had grown back. I bought a bottle of nail treatment with keratin that's applied like nail polish. It even smells like nail polish. It flakes off easily though, and I have to reapply it every couple of days.
  • Acid reflux. I had been taking omeprazole (Prilosec) daily for a year and decided to stop a few weeks after my last Kadcyla. But I still get acid reflux, and now I burp a lot. So I'm back on omeprazole for a while.
  • Bleeding gums. Not sure if Kadcyla is to blame for this. In the past when I'd notice bleeding, it goes away after a day or two. But for the past year, it happens quite often and in more than one location, and it takes a while to go away.
  • Styes. I got a lot of styes from chemo and Kadcyla. I thought it had stopped, but I got another one a couple of weeks ago. Again, I don't know if Kadcyla is to blame for the latest stye.
I used to get fatigue after every infusion. At least it's gone now.

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