Sunday, February 6, 2022

Busy January

I suppose I should update. Due to omicron, I put myself on lockdown for the month of January except for doctor's visits. Unfortunately I had many appointments in January:

2 blood draws
2 infusions
1 oncologist visit
1 echocardiogram
1 pap smear (cancelled after I checked in)
1 ultrasound
1 mammogram

In addition, there were also five other visits: twice to PAMF and twice to Stanford to get CDs of the mammograms and ultrasounds done at those facilities, and one visit to Kaiser to deliver the CDs. Even though all three facilities use Epic Systems for their medical records, they don't share the mammo & ultrasound files because they're too big.

I was due for a follow-up screening mammo in January, but it got changed to a 3D diagnostic mammo and ultrasound because I was concerned about recent skin changes on my breast -- darkened and scaly skin. They may be delayed effects of radiation. I also noticed a lump below my incision. It may be just scar tissue. The tests didn't show anything of concern.

After my last infusion, I felt very slight nausea off and on for two days. I always get Zofran before the infusion. It was only recently that I started feeling some nausea. It's happened only one other time, I believe in December.

That was #13 out of 14 infusions. Just one more left.

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