Saturday, November 20, 2021

Goodbye, Pa

Pa passed away on October 15, Ma's birthday. Even though he had been in declining health, it was still unexpected. At least he died peacefully.

His funeral Mass was on November 13. It took a while to do the service because the funeral home was still backlogged from covid. Yesterday we interred his ashes in the same niche holding Ma's ashes. We were afraid it would take weeks to do the cremation and that Kit & David would have to leave before the ashes were ready. The funeral home may have helped expedite the cremation when we explained about Kit & David.

This was the eulogy we included in the program we handed out at the Mass.

Dr. Cipriano Medina de los Reyes, Jr. of Hercules, California passed away peacefully on October 15, 2021, on the birthday of his beloved late wife, Tessie. He is survived by his daughters, Marisa, Lou and Kit, and his grandson, David.

Cipri or Doc, as he was known to his friends, received his medical degree in 1952, got married in 1957, and moved to the US in 1974. In 1982 he settled in California where he had a private practice until he retired last year at age 93.

He was a man of great faith who lived a long fulfilling life. He attended church daily and was active in the Filipino community. His faith was such that after his wife died, he would say, “God has a plan for me.”

Cipri was a man of great creativity with music as his passion. An accomplished piano player, he played the piano daily and loved entertaining guests with his music.

He loved his family, friends, and patients, and he was well loved by everyone who knew him. He was a beloved physician, a devoted father and a faithful husband. He will be sadly missed.

Ma & Pa's wedding picture has always been one of my favorites.

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