Short version is here.
Ma has lots of problems
Colitis - The colonoscopy showed that Ma has mild colitis due to the chemo.
Leg pain - No DVT. Pain is due to edema. Both arms and legs are swollen and painful. Treatment is to eat protein.
Low blood sugar - Ma hadn't eaten since the night before, and she wasn't given dextrose. By late afternoon, her blood sugar had dropped down to 39. She was given a big shot of dextrose and put on a dextrose drip, bringing her blood sugar up to 158. But a few hours later, it dropped down to 23. Again, she was given the same treatment.
Stomach cramps - Ma was in extreme pain yesterday. At first, the morphine wasn't helping at all. But the dose she got at 5pm finally provided relief, and she fell asleep.
Low blood pressure - Ma's blood pressure had been low throughout the day, below 100/40.
Infection - Ma's right leg got worse and started oozing. The doctor started her on antibiotics.
Low white blood cell count - Ma's WBC is very low, and she was put on protected isolation. No flowers, limited visitors.
Low platelets - She needs another superpack of platelets.
Because of the low blood sugar and the morphine and the way Ma's breathing reminded me of how she sounded when she overdosed yesterday morning, I asked the nurse to wake her up. She wouldn't wake up. The Rapid Response Team was called. They tried two doses of Narcan (1 mg total), and she still wouldn't wake up. The doctor ordered her sent to ICU.
Soon after arriving in the ICU, it looked like Ma was about to go into cardiac arrest, and a Code Blue was called. The crash cart wasn't needed after all. Her heartbeat is fine. It's the breathing that's the problem. She was put on a ventilator. She has acidosis. The most worrisome is that the infection in Ma's leg is due to septic shock. She's on two antibiotics for it. For now she's stable.
Another thing is that the doctor wants a CT scan done on Ma's head to check for bleeding in the brain caused by her low platelet count.
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