Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today Pa was like a new man, almost like his old self again. He was asking me all kinds of questions when I arrived this morning. All the therapists noticed that he was more animated. He didn't eat much at lunch, but he ate almost everything on his plate at dinner. That's a huge improvement. I think what made the difference is Remeron, the antidepressant he was given last night.

We have to watch him carefully now. He's become overconfident. He walks too fast with his walker and doesn't wait for someone to accompany him. When he first arrived at rehab, he was given a balance test and scored 19 out of 48. Today it was 28 out of 48. While an improvement, he's still in danger of falling.

He was also given Ditropan for his bladder, and that seems to have made a difference in how often he has to pee.

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