Thursday, December 4, 2008

Radiation Machine Down

Ma's radiation treatments for today and tomorrow were cancelled because the radiation machine broke down. When we got Ma's treatment schedule, we were told that the last day of treatment could change depending on whether there's a machine breakdown. So this is not unexpected. I think the last breakdown was the day before Thanksgiving. That's only a week ago. I hope this doesn't happen too often. It's an old machine, about 16 years old. Not exactly state-of-the-art.

Ma agreed to go for a walk today at Big Lots. I think she's more motivated when there's stuff she can look at. We were at the store for half an hour. She spent more time standing than walking, but she didn't sit down. Towards the end, she complained about pain behind both her knees. They hurt only when she walks, not when she stands or sits.

1 comment:

ChrisC said...

It's amazing how these machines break down, we don't expect medical machines to break. When my dad has to have follow up scans, they are supposed to take two to three hours. One time we went, there was a machine break down, no one knew how long the scanning process would take. We ended up being there for six hours. I wasn't very happy. The patients get a Valium as soon as they arrive, so they are calm for the scan. That day I needed a Valium!