Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Xeloda Side Effect

When Ma first started taking Xeloda, I kept asking her if she had any side effects. She said no. Today I found out she's been getting dry lips and mouth sores. She's been using her leftover "magic mouthwash" from last year. It's a mixture of Nystatin, lidocaine, Benadryl & Maalox I don't know if it's helping, but she's able to eat. In fact, sometimes she eats too much. Last night her blood sugar was nearly 400!

Ma saw Dr. Irwin today. He'll keep her on Xeloda for now and will see her again before Thanksgiving. Her breast isn't as angry red as it was before, but we don't know if it's the Xeloda that made a difference. Her tumor marker CA 15-3 went up to 49.4. It had been 38 in early September. Normal is 0-25.