Tuesday, March 10, 2009

All Clear

Ma had a PET scan recently and also a blood test to check for tumor markers. She then saw her oncologist last Friday. The tests show no sign of cancer. That's very good news. She'll have another follow-up with the oncologist in two months along with another blood test. The PET scan will be done every 3 months.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chest Tube Removed

Ma's surgery was moved up to 7:30am, which means she had to check in at 6am. She insisted on leaving the house early and arrived before 5am, over an hour early. The lobby wasn't even open yet, but the guard let them in anyway. I arrived at 5:50am, but Ma had already checked in.

Dorothy stopped by with cafeteria passes, so we had breakfast while waiting. The surgery and/or recovery took longer than expected. They didn't let us in to see her till after 9:30, and we left the hospital at 11:00. Ma was a little nauseated but not too badly. She's sleeping right now at home. The stitches will be removed in a couple of weeks.

She was put under for the surgery. I was mistaken about her previous surgery (to insert the tube) being under local anesthesia. She said she was put under for that one, too.

On the way out to my car, I saw a lady playing Tea for Two on a harp. She wasn't in the lobby but next to it, wedged between the staircase and the pillar. It was the weirdest thing. Nice music though.