Saturday, January 31, 2009

Triple Bypass

Pa was sent home after his angiogram. He did not undergo an angioplasty or stent. His doctor said his arteries are "severely clogged." He's going to need a triple bypass.

It's not clear to me how much of this he has told Ma, Isa & Tito Lum. At first he thought he was free and clear even though the doctor told him to take an aspirin daily and carry nitroglycerin with him at all times. For some reason, the doctor didn't tell him about needing a bypass although he did tell me. When Pa started telling all his friends he was fine, I had to tell him the news. He then called his doctor yesterday and was told that three arteries were clogged.

He has a follow-up appointment on Wednesday. The doctor thought he might want to hold off on the bypass because Ma was still undergoing treatment for cancer, but her treatments are over. This is actually a good time for him to have surgery.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Radiation Done

Ma got done with her radiation last Friday. They gave her a certificate of completion, and she was happy about that. We'll see her regular oncologist next week about follow-up tests. Her breast area has first-degree burns, but she hasn't complained of pain. She also hasn't complained of fatigue, the most common side effect of radiation treatment.

Pa is having an angiogram tomorrow. He says it's likely he'll need an angioplasty at the same time and will have to stay overnight at the hospital. Isa will drop him off at the hospital at 7am. His procedure doesn't start till 9am. I'll probably show up around 10am.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

One More Week

Ma's almost done with her radiation therapy. If the machine stays up, her last day is on Friday. She has tomorrow off due to the Martin Luther King holiday.

The skin on her breast has turned really dark and is peeling off. She hasn't complained of pain though, so at least it doesn't feel like a sunburn or a 1st degree burn.

Pa went for his stress test last Wednesday. They found an irregular heartbeat. He has an angiogram scheduled for the 29th.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Ma had been sleeping downstairs in a hospital bed since she was released from the hospital last July. She hadn't been going upstairs at all. The downstairs bathroom has no shower, so she's been taking daily sponge baths all this time.

While Kit was here, Ma started going upstairs to sleep in her own bed. She also has taken a shower a couple of times. Pa has to help her, and she uses a shower bench. I suppose I could help her myself, but I don't want to.

A week ago, Pa said he had some chest pains. He went for a blood test today. He's also going for a stress test on Wednesday next week. He doesn't want to move up the date, saying there's no rush since he hasn't had additional pain. Is it really okay to wait?